Flexible Content Page

Looking to be the next member of our team.

Interested in Automotive? Keen to be in the industry working with a fantastic team, learning every day?

At NBC we are committed to ensuring we are a great team, more like family really. We offer a family friendly work structure, a committed team of people that have each other's backs. Our customers are part of our extended NBC family, and we strive to have professional fun relationships with them.

We deeply care about the relationships we have with our customers, understanding their business needs and supporting them to deliver their best service is our core ethos.

The parts team focuses on service, having parts in stock and delivering as quickly as we humanly can.

The workshop team focuses on service, problem solving and finding solutions to our customer's needs.

We are constantly on the lookout for people keen to be a team player, provide extra-ordinary levels of customer service and are passionate around cars or the whole gambit of the automotive industry.

We have varied roles including machining apprenticeships, spare parts interpreters, warehousing, delivery drivers and administration available at different times.

If you are interested in working with the best independent automotive store in Tasmania, please contact Selena at selena@nbcauto.com.au

Sub hEad (Left aligned)

Left aligned headline text (no image) (5 column layout)

NOTE: When body text is NEXT to headline, it takes up 3/5 columns. Left aligned intro paragraph over a few lines. Body bold intro paragraph over a few lines. Body bold intro paragraph over a few lines. Body bold intro paragraph over a few lines. (3/5 columns)

Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs. Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.

Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs. Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.Body text (regular weight) over several paragraphs.

Workshop Services

How can we assist you?

With knowledge and skill in machining our workshop team can assist you with the following:

Sub head

Text with image (5 column layout)

NOTE: When text is BELOW headline it is the same number of columns as the headline (i.e. 2/5 columns) Left aligned bold body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several paragraphs.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.

Testimonial headline

Call to action

Full width example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Duis viverra congue ipsum, vitae maximus justo bibendum dictum. Donec ac elit eu dolor fermentum venenatis. Phasellus leo velit, ullamcorper mattis ante sed, feugiat maximus massa. Cras elementum finibus nisl, at varius sapien ornare vel. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque ullamcorper risus erat, eu gravida neque dapibus eget. Sed magna nulla, rutrum a faucibus sit amet, congue vel metus.

Cras nisi nunc, volutpat ac efficitur vitae, fringilla sit amet nibh

Aenean tempus accumsan elit rhoncus fermentum. Curabitur commodo ligula nisl, a tincidunt metus accumsan et. Mauris facilisis commodo risus maximus mattis. Aliquam blandit odio vitae dui egestas viverra. Nunc malesuada urna vitae ante posuere, quis placerat arcu consequat. Quisque mollis enim et ex suscipit, vitae tempus ex accumsan.

Integer malesuada massa sit amet auctor tincidunt

Integer tincidunt pharetra lorem nec pharetra. Pellentesque in feugiat nisl, id bibendum dolor. Quisque vulputate finibus magna. Nulla vehicula sagittis quam at sodales. Curabitur tortor arcu, porta ac luctus eu, placerat id nisi. Pellentesque placerat enim et diam ultrices placerat. Integer rhoncus pulvinar tortor, a sollicitudin mauris accumsan ac. Phasellus iaculis felis eu erat tristique, et faucibus justo ullamcorper. Pellentesque viverra elit vitae velit ultricies suscipit. Maecenas justo erat, condimentum et dapibus in, scelerisque vel felis.

Quisque id placerat tellus, at efficitur metus

Aliquam et facilisis odio. Vestibulum mattis quis velit sed bibendum. Phasellus gravida bibendum semper. Pellentesque tellus elit, rhoncus nec tristique ac, eleifend vel lectus. Integer sagittis tincidunt lorem in vestibulum. Nam auctor auctor nisi eu fermentum. Sed iaculis a velit sed pretium. Aliquam ullamcorper nisi quis interdum aliquam.

  • Donec vel felis pellentesque
  • Auctor est non, commodo tortor
  • Cras quis ante blandit,
  • Pharetra nibh ac, mollis augue.
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Column 1 Column 2
Cell 1 1 Cell 1 2
Cell 2 1 Cell 2 2
Cell 3 1 Cell 3 2
Left aligned heading copy over a couple of lines copy over a couple of lines.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.

Left aligned heading copy over a couple of lines copy over a couple of lines.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.

Screen Shot 2022 03 02 at 10 13 09 pm

Headline can be long enough to be over two lines

Left aligned body copy over a couple of lines. Body copy over a couple of lines a couple of lines.

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Headline can be long enough to be over two lines

Left aligned body copy over a couple of lines. Body copy over a couple of lines a couple of lines.

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Headline can be long enough to be over two lines

Left aligned body copy over a couple of lines. Body copy over a couple of lines a couple of lines.

Headline text over full width image

Bold intro text over full width image can be spread over a couple of lines but nothing too lengthy

Read More
Left aligned heading copy over a couple of lines copy over a couple of lines.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.

Left aligned heading copy over a couple of lines copy over a couple of lines.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs.

Body copy over several lines and paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.Right aligned body copy over several paragraphs. Body copy over several lines and paragraphs.

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Caption if required
Form Name
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Call to action
(2 column layout)